Wednesday, July 23, 2014

May The Forest Be With You...

I'm the furthest thing from a Star Wars fan, but the title seemed appropriate for this post. 

This past weekend we went for a bit of an outdoor adventure. It felt good to have a relaxing moment since we were traveling home the last few weeks. Joey thoroughly enjoyed the weekend outside and I like to think  it had something to do with all three of us being together! We went for a hike and had a mini picnic of sorts. Joey was able to be off his leash for a good portion of the hike, which was a win for us all! 

Sunday we spent the day at the pool and went for a bike ride, per usual. With these moments of down time we were able to do a little reading! Nate read Gone Girl and loved it, so naturally I have to read it as well. I must say it completely reels you in and you never want to put it down! I hope to finish it by the end of the week because I sooooo want to read The Maze Runner. I have a lot of catching up to do since there are many great looking movies coming out this Fall based on books!

I've also been hard at work getting my Etsy shop ready. Our tiny dining room is full of chalkboards at the moment, but I have a few prints completed and I think they turned out really well!

We have some of Nate's family coming to visit this weekend, as well as the possibility of my family and next weekend we will be traveling home again (it'll be well worth it, but more on that in a later post...).

What day is it, what day is it.... Happy Hump Day!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Weekend Funsies.

We went North of the Wall (in other words: our parents homes) for the second weekend in a row for more family fun. We had a picnic with Nate's family & then a graduation party for my cousin. It was a fun day! I drove my sister's Volkswagon Beetle thinking I was hot stuff. That didn't go so well since it didn't have A/C & we (I) were sweating like crazy! At least we were able to go night swimming at the end of it all!

We raced back to Hershey on Sunday so that we could catch the World Cup final, we both knew Germany would win, from the very start I might add! Afterwards we went for a bike ride, which has become somewhat of a Sunday ritual, to pick flowers. It ends up being quite the work out for me since I have a one speed. We ended the weekend with facials (Nate included) and ice cream!

(I think Joe enjoyed the wind in his hair)

 I can't end without posting a chalkboard photo.

We could really use some sunshine! It has been nothing but a downpour!
Happy (late) Monday :)

Monday, July 7, 2014

July Fourth Festivities

Nate and I traveled home for the 4th of July weekend. It was nice since we haven't been home with our families for quite a while. Joey loved having the room to run free! On the 4th I had a really nice dinner with my family before meeting up with Nate and his family. We all went to the nearby casino that has a horse track and fireworks. It was a really great time having everyone together!

Saturday was quite relaxing; laying by the pool and being outside with all the pups! Joey went swimming with his Grampy. He may look afraid, but he really enjoyed it. Later in the day, my family and I went to the movies and out for dinner, then met up once again with Nate and his family at their house for fireworks. They were probably the best show in town! ;) Especially the grand finale. Everyone sung the National Anthem and then a 3/4 stick of dynamite blew up a homemade water jug flag! 

And that was our Fourth of July. Not too much, but a nice long weekend that was full of family. Hope everyone had a great one as well! Happy Monday! :)