Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Dogs Are Explorers Too.

So, recently I was outside on our patio enjoying the the b-e-a-utiful weather, painting my toes a pretty shade of hot pink & minding my own biz. Next thing I know, our neighbor walks by with her little, white, fluffy dog, prancing all queen like on one of its frequent potty breaks. She goes on by as if I'm not sitting r i g h t there & lets that little thing lift its leg on one our newly planted shrubs right outside our apartment! Ohhhh, let me tell you, I was fuming.

But, I think to myself, "That shrub is brand new, and strong & I've watered it & loved on it, it'll be alright."

I may not have done the planting & clearly we only rent the place, but by golly I want our little section of rental to look darn good.  

No joke. 5 minutes later another woman walks right on by me & lets her little dog lift its leg alllllll over that brand new, strong shrub of a plant I've been loving on.

Needless to say, there are 3 leaves left hanging on by a thread only a week after it was planted.

I'm really glad Joe pees like a gentleman, or a girl, whichever way you want to look at it.

I've been filling my time with zucchini breads & creating holiday chalkboards for my shop.

The holidays. Oh so full of fun & cheer. And daunting & slightly overwhelming at the same time. But truthfully I cannot wait! Especially since we get to deck out our new abode. But enough of that! Too soon, too soon.

With Nate's current schedule it is a rare occasion that we actually leave the house other than to go for a run or to the grocery store. Since we only have a day at a time together we always really like to find something that we can involve the dog in as well. We recently traveled to Letchworth Park, which is the #1 state park in the country! Woot woot.

Super pretty, great hiking & I would highly recommend it. 

The one negative: other humans. Rude humans. 

Do not mince my words, I like people. People are great, but clearly we are all there to see the waterfalls. You take your peek, snap your picture, admire a brief moment & move on. 

Lets just say, not everyone got the memo.

Happy Tuesday! :) 

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