Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Newborn Favorites

It's crazy to think Theo is almost a month old already! We are still very much in that stage of parenthood where it feels like we're in the trenches taking grenades (name that movie...), but we are slowly finding our rhythm as a family of four (can't forget Joey!). Theo is a pretty easy going little dude, but "good" baby or not it's still hard with the lack of sleep, feeding schedule & all around newness of adding a tiny human into your life. We definitely have an arsenal of newborn items that have been our saving graces during this last month & I thought I'd share them! 

A baby swing was one thing I had said "absolutely not" to because of the lack of space in our apartment. Plus, I had read that often times babies don't even like them & then it's just a big ol' waste of money. But praise all the God's that Nate talked me into getting one. Theo is a baby that absolutely love, love, loves motion (we have chalked it up to the miles & miles of running I did while he was in my tummy)! The 4moms Rockaroo was the perfect option for us because of it's size & look. It is really helpful during dinner time since Theo more often than not instantly falls asleep in his swing.

The stroller was one of the first items we purchased for baby Theo! We knew we wanted a jogging stroller because of all the running/hiking we do, but I don't think we really realized how much we would love it. We've used it almost daily since Theo's birth & he LOVES it too. It rides so smoothly & has an easy adapter for his car seat.

I have mentioned the Little Unicorn swaddles before Theo was even born, but since his birth we have really, truly fallen in love with them. They are so soft and breathable & a really nice size! These bottles are also a must have. Although I am breastfeeding, I really wanted Nate to be able to have those bonding moments with him too. I know they tell you to wait a few weeks so there isn't any nipple confusion, but Theo has done great & a bottle feeding sure is a nice break for me! I should also mention these pacifiers. Theo was given his first pacifier when he spent a night in the nursery for observation & it is by far his favorite. Lastly, Baby Einstein. This was another item I was all "oh, hell no!" about, but being the observant guy he is, Theo loves it! It's a huge help during those fussy diaper changes.

Hope you find this helpful! Happy, happy Tuesday! :)

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